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About us:

Members of the afro percussion group Dancing-Hands:

  • Heiko Kraft (autumn 2001)
  • Marcus Wessely-Stiller (autumn 2001)
  • Klaus Werner (november 2005)

Participated at workshops, lessons and training:
  • Djembe-Workshop led by masterdrummer Adama Dramé from Burkina-Faso (oktober 2010 in Gießen)
  • Training Drum Circle Facilitator (november 2008) led by Mathias Reuter in Kassel
  • Lessons led by Markus Reich
  • Djembe-Workshops led by Billy Nankouma Konaté
  • Djembe-Workshop middle grade led by masterdrummer Mamady Keita from Guinea (dezember 2003 in Marburg)
  • Djembe-Workshop middle grade led by masterdrummer Famadou Konate aus Guinea (oktober 2003 in Frankfurt a.M.)

Concerts of the percussiongroup Dancing-Hands:

August 2010 Live on stage on Percussion-Stage at 13. Afrika Karibik Festival 2010 Aschaffenburg
Juli 2010 Live on stage at African R&B Festival Rüsselsheim by I.T.H.O. e.V (Internationale Transparente Hilfs-Organisation Raunheim)
Mai und Juni 2010 Open drumcircle for the Kulturinitiative Psychiatrie e.V. in Friedberg
April 2010 Live on stage on the Frülingsmarkt in Friedberg
September 2009 Open drumcircle for Kulturinitiative Psychiatrie e.V. in Friedberg
März 2008 Live on stage on at the benefitconcert in favor for the Gießener Kinderklinik at the Petruschurch in Gießen
August 2007 Live on stage at the World-Music-Festival by Klangfreunde e.V. at the castle park Loshausen
Juli 2007 Live act at the festival 150 years Kurpark Bad Nauheim
Juni 2007 Live act at the festival 111 Jahre Landmannstraße in Gießen
März 2007 Live on stage on at the benefitconcert in favor for the Gießener Kinderklinik at the Petruschurch in Gießen
Juli 2006 First public live act at the night of the museums an galleries in Hanau (Germany).
Juni 2006 Live act at a privat open air festival the region call Odenwald (near Aschaffenburg in Germany).
Mai 2006 First live act at a party in Bad Nauheim (Germany)
Herbst 2001 Establishment of the drumming group in Gießen by Daniel Zimmermann
We are the Percussion group Dancing-Hands from Gießen (Hessen) in Germany. Are you looking for a drumming group playing african drums live at your festival or event? Please send an e-mail to our contact address.

Last modification:  30 Jun 2017 10:27:38
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