Actual selection from
125 Rhythmen
Denadon (Dennadon)
PercussionStudio file
Last modification: 29 Jun 2017 20:24:48
Djembe and Dunun accompaniment with break and echauffement
PercussionStudio file
Last modification: 29 Jun 2017 20:24:48
Djembe and Dunun accompaniment with short solo
URL of file
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HTML version from the WAP website
Diaka (Djaka, Dja Ka)
The dance of Diaka is reserved to the girls.
The men and the married women cannot dance it.
This way the girls remunerate the djembefola for playing for them
Saturday and Sunday afternoon. This practice is common in all Mali.
The rhythm is played only with Djembe and Sangban (without Kenkeni and Dununba).
Last modification: 29 Jun 2017 20:24:49
Djembe and Dunun accompaniment with Break and Solo. This version should be from Burkina Faso
Diansa (Djansa, Dansa, Danza)
Mali region Kayes ethnic group Kayes
Diansa is a popular rhythm which is played at all occasions.
PercussionStudio file
Last modification: 29 Jun 2017 20:24:50
Djembe and Dunun accompaniment, Djembe call/reply and Dunun echauffement - version 1
PercussionStudio file
Last modification: 29 Jun 2017 20:24:51
Djembe and Dunun accompaniment with short solo - version 2
PercussionStudio file
Last modification: 29 Jun 2017 20:24:51
Djembe and Dunun accompaniment with solo, break and echauffement (supposed to come from Burkina Faso) - version 3
PercussionStudio file
Last modification: 29 Jun 2017 20:24:50
Djembe and Dunun accompaniment with solo original by Mamady Keita - version 4
URL of file
Please send a E-Mail to me, if link wrong!
HTML version from the WAP website
Dibon II
URL of file
Please send a E-Mail to me, if link wrong!
HTML version from the WAP website
Dioula Don
Burkina Faso
This rhythm is played during the seven day lasting festival of a wedding.
Last modification: 30 Jun 2017 10:27:38
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